Sep 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Texas Monthly for me, although I love reading all of the others you mentioned. In the early 2000s, my friend bought me a subscription to Texas Monthly. I hadn't heard of it back then. I was amazed by how good it was. I've considered re-subscribing, but I'm terrible at keeping up with periodicals and have a bit of a paper / book / magazine hoarding issue.

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Sep 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Mine would definitely be Vanity Fair, mostly thanks to the ID series.

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Sep 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

While I love me some Texas Monthly (indeed, I feel at times it’s the only redeeming thing in this state where I live - okay, that and Tex Mex) and there is nothing better than their Darlie Routier coverage, I think I’m going to have to go with VF. Dominick Dunne and Maureen Orth (plus some really good fashion coverage) would tug me away from my no-bull Texas Monthly. Plus, I would probably delve into my archives of the late, lamented Spy magazine. They covered the adventures of a certain “short-fingered vulgarian” in some stylish depth.

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Sep 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Texas Monthly for sure. It was a mainstay of my youth. My dad grew up in Texas and for decades after he moved away, my grandmother gifted us an annual subscription. It is one of the few magazines I remember always having around our house. So it has sentimental value as well as some of the very best long-form true crime writing in history.

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Sep 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

I'm edging towards NY Magazine, but then there is nothing like a NYer longread of immaculately presented detail... feel I need to shout out the Daily Beast, their longform is by far the best thing they do.

A digression: Longform.org or Longreads?? (Or Digg or the Electric Typewriter or...)

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Sep 5, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Most/many of the true crime stories that have stayed with me are from Texas Monthly, so it comes to the island with me for when I want to be emotionally destroyed.

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