May 4, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Devil in the White City has been sunk in development hell for a while, right? It's a pity because it screams prestige genre adaptation- though the gore level is challenging. But if Silence of the Lambs can do it...

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Dark comma In The? ha ha ha ha ha

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There are so many great true crime d words (death/dead/dying, dark, danger, etc) and I can't think of a definitive title for D.

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May 6, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

D is for Donald. The end.

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May 11, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

NJ’s own DeCavalcante crime family because I can never read enough about bootlegging, loan sharking, money laundering, and... waste managing.

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May 21, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Dr. Death, from Wondery. I still don’t understand what was wrong with that guy that he continued to operate knowing he fucked up so many people. Clearly you’re not good at what you do, dude. I want to say he was coked up all the time but even if that were the case, you would think something would finally dawn on him that he’s either not good at what he does or that there’s a consistent pattern of botched after botched surgery while under the influence.

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