Nov 18, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

SO good. What a reminder that the creep is creeping everywhere. Pun(?) intended(?)

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I haven’t read anything on the Apple News iPad app in a while, but I have a feeling it is one of the worst offenders for eliminating or minimizing the sponsor tags. You would have to go at least 1 click in to see a tag in the byline, so if you’re just scanning headlines (like I often do), you’d have no idea it wasn’t legit.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

This was fascinating, thank you and very well backed up. In completely non-substantiated information, there was a Reddit thread a little while ago about a teacher in Appalachia who's students were getting eviction notices by the new owners of their trailer parks. She tracked the new owners to the Alden Group and speculated that she wasn't able to get local press because the newspapers had been bought up by the same group:


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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

Great work here, Eve. Funny story: In the dark days following What Happened in the late aughts, I was in my 15th year editing a celebrated alt weekly (with a 24/7 website) when the doofus who'd recently bought it from its original owners lost it in bankruptcy to his largest creditor--a hedge fund. One of the things the fund's flunkies--I mean executives--wanted me to agree to was not only to run fake-article sponcon but to have my staff writers and freelancers produce it. When they fired me they said I "wasn't the right person to take the company into the future."

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$cientology purchased the CULT AWARENESS NETWORK after forcing it into bankruptcy.

Anyone contacting this formerly valuable resource for help, info, resources etc, is in fact unknowingly speaking to a harmful cult :o(

Sadly, at this point a related harmful move like this is not out of the question for Raniere & his wilfully ignorant rabid followers with their resources :o(

People need to be made aware of such dangers!

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