I assume the pure poetry of this entry 's title was deliberate; it's like a teen goth haiku.

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I ranted about Hell in the Heartland previously and I must again because it still keeps me up at night and “left investigators without leads”? No siree. There was literally a clue on the ground - not DNA or something that takes time to process, but a car insurance card with a name on it for all to see that would have lead STRAIGHT TO THE CULPRITS. Straight there no detours! It was found not by the cops who did not do a proper search and didn’t even lock down the property as a crime scene for even one full day after the fire. And those girls were alive for days being tortured and assaulted so it’s not even the usual case where this incompetence wouldn’t have made a difference because they were already dead. They were still alive! The hero of the book is Lorene Bible, one of the girls’ mother who basically has to do a one woman investigation of all the meth heads of eastern Oklahoma cos the OK State Bureau of Investigation was doing nothing. The OSBI didn’t even get a proper arson report on the initial fire so don’t know how/why it started etc! My friends, the investigators most definitely had leads ....

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