Feb 25, 2021Liked by Best Evidence

I've already been wondering how the pandemic is going to play into the alibis of family annihilators and the type of people who wind up on Dateline for their crimes. Sad to say, as soon as kids were sent home from school last winter, I got anxious about abused kids who would no longer have 8 safe hours a day away from home.

I don't need any space from COVID to hear about the crimes involved, but I can understand why people would.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Best Evidence

If 1918 is anything to go by, we had better strike while the iron is hot. We have time and I have soooo much rage walking to do right now. Please send me lots of fraud tales. I’m Cuomo’d out and need fresh meat to tear into!

I was 18 and moved to Miami just after Hurricane Andrew in the early 90’s(when hurricanes were still rare!). I learned about real-life fraud reading about “contractors”riding around the neighborhoods selling you first place in line for roof replacement, then disappearing with your cash. Never forgot that little element of “swindle the rich” mixed with the desperation of the disaster-stricken.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Best Evidence

I know a couple of months ago, the British podcast "They Walk Among Us" had a case where the crime and the trial entirely took place during COVID, which completely blew my mind on how long this has been. But, because the case revolved around a cheating spouse, it reminded me of something.

Back in April, my dog chased something small and fuzzy through a hole in the fence at 10 at night. Before he wandered his ever-so-slightly sheepish butt back _two_and_a_half_hours_later_, I'd been wandering the neighbourhood trying to find him. I noticed a lot of people in their cars at 11:30 on a Sunday night talking on the phone. Similarly, we were walking through the neighbouring research campus later in lockdown and spotted a middle-aged couple making out against a pickup truck in one of the parking lots.

I was thinking that this is either another pressure or, like Heather Moss mentioned, it could end up being another crappy justification for abusive behaviour.

Generally, for the frauds, etc, I'm not sure I have the bandwidth to hear about bad behaviour that people get away with. A perpetrator's going to have to lose a McMansion or bigger to get me to pay attention.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Best Evidence

I don’t need time, I’ll hear now.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Best Evidence

Well, the only major crime that occurred during this pandemic (that I can think of) for which masking up would have been a smart idea was, yes, oh, yes, the Insurrection of January 6th. The growing need to be acknowledged in any way shape or form can be, in part and parcel, dropped on the doorstep of any social media platform. In this particular situation, however, it's good to know that in their dopamine need for gratification via likes and lol's, the defendants served their own warrants and charges to themselves.

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