Apr 27, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

I love the bingo card! I told Janelle Shane, author of the brilliant AI Weirdness blog, that she needs to train an AI on a dataset of true crime book titles. I'm so curious about what the AI would come up with for new titles.

Here's a hilarious blog post of hers, if you're unfamiliar. I just love how absurd it gets.


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Apr 27, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Reading about JWB reminded me of an excellent episode of Toast of London where Toast gets the chance to become the greatest high-winds actor after a friend dies, relinquishing the title. Doesn't that sound like the kind of bombastic thing to which Booth would have aspired? If you need a laugh, check out the episode. Toast also has to try to become a Freemason almost overnight, which I assume Booth had to have been (not casting aspersions; my grandfather was one). At any rate, you Fart Babies, do yourselves a favor and check it out.

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Apr 27, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

I googled “morally indefensible podcast” and seriously the whole first page bar one were old think pieces on S-Town.

I would like to read that five families book on the list, but on the other hand I kind of don’t want to read one unless it’s recent enough to include that guy getting whacked by a QAnon nut (allegedly)

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