Nov 30, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

So for the 12 Days of Best Evidence are you looking for cases with a tangential tie to each of the days of the song? This is a fun challenge! Will see if I can come up with anything...

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

YES, bump Trial 4 way up on your list. And as someone who delves deeply into the Lindbergh case, read Lise Pearlman’s book, “The Lindbergh Kidnapping Suspect No. 1: The Man Who Got Away”. Very unfortunate title. Think the punctuation might drive David T. Cole crazy.

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

The Linda Millar piece by Weinman may end up as one of my top longreads of the year, it's stellar (and I'm a fan of both the writers involved, and because I'm a sicko, this made me want to go back and read more of them).

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