Aug 19, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

The true crime being committed in my house this weekend will be, once again, a vain attempt to process (I.e. clean) the joint, only to have it fall back into squalor within a matter of minutes. I blame the cats.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I too, was excited to watch the Manti Te'o doc. It was good...not sure it needed to be 2 hours long. I think the interview with his catfisher was really key to making it a good doc. She had a shocking level of insight into her own behavior. Lots to discuss and unpack...and there's not much really to spoil, per se, but I will wait for others to watch to get into a discussion.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

Oooh, I love the Lie Cheat & Steal podcast’s episode on Manti Te’o, so I’ll have to watch that. I’ve never heard about it, though. I guess it didn’t get much buzz outside of sports circles?

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I enjoy listening to true crime podcasts, so that is what I willl be doing this weekend

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I absolutely was mesmerized by the Te’o documentary. I remember thinking that he must have been a typical football idiot to have been fooled like this when the story first came out. Now, it’s totally understandable. I’m finishing up Brutal Pact, which is about the murder of a Brazilian telenovela star. Like many good documentaries, it’s actually about so much more. It could also have benefited from some tighter editing, which I have found with a lot of the Brazilian stories I’ve watched. That’s got me wondering whether it may be a story telling pace that Brazilians are comfortable with? I’m trying to remain open-minded. Lots of interesting factoids on policing, legal rules and crazy trials with tons of passionate advocates.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I am excited to watch the doc about Manti Te’o, too -- I was so obsessed with that situation when it first came out, and somehow, I forgot all about it until now.

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