Nov 9, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

BOOK CLUB! I commute to work still, so happy hour isn't the best for me personally. I'd love a post-dinner or weekend EST time.

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Nov 9, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

I know nothing about slack, but I can learn. *Insert saying about old dog/new tricks here.* I’m Central time, so just about anything that works for the majority works for me. Also, as much as I love the term “stolen valor”, I don’t like “hacktivist”. No idea why, because I like “cheftestant” and that combines two ostensibly unrelated things as well. Apropos of nothing, I just returned from a trip to California, and I’m notably not dead or sick. It made me realize what a necessary luxury travel is...and how we’ve probably all taken it for granted. Yea books, yea travel, yea slackers??

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