I don't really think "accuse the wrong person" in the headline of the linked article is accurate. No one was "accused" in that story. Bloke was asked for a DNA sample which was eliminated after a month-which I'm sure is a terrible period of time if you are the person giving the sample but in general seems very quick to be given the all clear.(NB the bloke appears African American and I acknowledge his differential experience with the "justice" system.) I don't think there are examples of people being arrested willy nilly on forensic genealogical evidence; on the contrary they always get additional DNA via discarded food and drink containers etc and then a third collection when arrested.

Personally, in terms of DNA and coercion I am FAR more concerned about the way insurance companies and employers are going to use this info if given access to it. Forensic shit gets the headlines but it is these other avenues of surveillance capitalism that actually affects human beings' day to day lives that skate by without protest because we all just assume capitalist control over our being is the normal state of affairs. Catch serial killers, fuck hedge funds!

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