Mar 13, 2020Liked by Best Evidence

Okay, I can only contain myself for so long (leading me to wonder whether I’m The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party - ouch). Jim Bakker is a sleazy

bastard who I was SHOCKED to hear still had any kind of a public forum. But I really wanted to discuss Gabriel Fernandez: a couple of times I had to hit fast forward on the documentary because I could not stand to hear the abuse that boy suffered. I watched because I wanted to see what failures in the system led to his death, whether there are things that everyday people could do to fix this, whether any specific laws would help, or budgets or training would help. So I guess I need to head to the LA Times to let them know that the documentary is topping the charts because it IS well-done, it IS compelling, and maybe other people watched just as I did - to see if wrongs could be righted. It motivated me to volunteer to become a court appointed special advisor to abused children. So sit on that, LA Times! Sheesh. Now last meals - yes, that’s where I become a total creep. They fascinate me, and they used to be published in our newspaper! The paper doesn’t do it any longer due to that same creep factor. (But I still want to know.) I think my last meal might just be a smorgasbord of junk food. Either that, or another meal from Chez Panisse, please...

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