Elisabeth Finch sounds a lot like Sarah Delashmit from the new-ish podcast Sympathy Pains! If you haven't listened to that one it's a wild ride.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I feel like Elisabeth Finch shares a good deal of fabulist DNA with Stephen Glass. I once recommended Shattered Glass to a coworker’s daughter who needed to diagnose a movie character as part of a psych class. Shattered Glass is a spot-on depiction of borderline/emotional-unstable personality disorder, and I see a lot of those characteristics in Finch as well. And borderline/emotional-unstable PD is basically pathological, weaponized attention-seeking. It also reminds me of JT LeRoy (Laura Albert), the way the “fiction” writing was informed by the writer’s “real life.”

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May 6, 2022Liked by Best Evidence

I honestly have no idea why someone would do this. I just feel SO badly for her ex wife. She’d just escaped an abusive relationship and was working hard on herself, then falls in with Finch, who has the gall to not only lie to her partner, but also her kids!

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